Workshop about public speaking techniques with DTC Club @FSEGN
(May 2024)
TV presentation of 1st edition of International Student Day of Carthage University on Tunisna TV in “L’Expert” show
(March 2024)
Talk “embedded systems fundamentals and IoT trends” with InnoTech Club @FSEGN
(February 2024)
دورات تكوينية في برمجة ألعاب وقصص رقميّة بسكراتش لفائدة المربّين ومؤطّري النوادي بالشراكة مع جمعيّة اللّغة العربيّة الرّقميّ
(February 2023 & 2024)
Talk “How to pay attention to your E-Reputation” with Positive Club @FSEGN
(November 2023)
Workshop about “Information Retrieval Fundamentals” in the 1st Edition of “NLP for Business” seminar
Details in web page :
(March 2023)
تقنيات إعداد درس احترافي باستعمال PowerPoint – جمعيّة اللّغة العربيّة الرّقميّة
(January 2023)
Animating a workshop for Orange Tech Club at ISET Nabeul about “.NET framework“
(March 2022)
Interview with FRANCE 24 TV about the importance of teaching coding and computer science for kids at early ages (Speaking as training manager at Beez Brainz Academy)
(February 2021)
La Réalité Augmentée & la Réalité Virtuelle au Service de l’Education
Presented in the 1st edition of the “International Scratchium” organized by Informatics Tunisian Association (ITA)
(September 2021)
Consulting member as an ICT expert in the national strategy and computer science syllabus reform of the Ministry of Education
(2020 & 2021)
🏆 First Winning Prize – EduPi Hackathon on Blockchain (2019 edition)
” Mooh Chain : Une solution pour la traçabilité du bétail “
(Mooh Chain: A solution for livestock traceability)
Winning pitch at the mini-Hackathon held during the fall school on BlockChain in partnership with EduPi association.
Event details (in French) | Pitch slides
(November 2019)
IEEE Xtreme : Where to start ?
A beginning guide to IEEE Xtreme programming contest training.
Presented to ENISo Student Branch members during the preparation of IEEE Xtreme 12.0 event.
(October 2018)
Organization of the “ACM Tunisian Collegiate Programming Contest” (ACM-TCPC 2018) as head of the media committee.
More details about the event here.
(June 2018)
مداخلتي على إذاعة نجمة
Coaching of problem solving teams in different local, regional and national sessions.
Selection of problem sets, judging and technical support of pc^2 server for problem solving contests.
Used programming languages: C, Java.
(periodically each 3 months
from September 2015 to December 2018)
Animating workshop sessions about “Web development fundamentals with HTML5 & CSS3” for the FST Junior Entreprise club.
(February 2013)
Animating workshop sessions for the FSEGN Junior Entreprise club about :
- Topic 1 : “Content Management System with WordPress“
- Topic 2 : “How to write a good report using LateX“
(March-April 2013)
Web 2.0 et réseaux sociaux professionnels
An introduction to Web 2.0 fundamentals and motivating students to use professional social networks (LinkedIn as an example).
Presented in the launch day of FSEGN Junior Entreprise club (see more details here).
(February 2012)
Presentation of the research paper
“Towards a New Standard Arabic Test Collection for Mono- and Cross-Language Information Retrieval“,
in the 19th International Conference on Application of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB‘2014), Montpellier, France.
(June 2014)